The contents on this website are provided for information purposes only. Any information posted from a law firm is general commentary and is not legal advice. Specific advice related to individual matters should be sought independently.
Whilst the information contained in this website has been formulated with all due care, Strata Sphere Management does not accept any liability to any person for the information (or the use of such information) which is provided on this website or incorporated into it by reference.
The information on this website is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance of the information and should seek advice separately for specific matters,
Lithium-ion batteries
Proposed Body Corporate Legislation Amendments
Navigating the Strata Insurance Market in 2023
Warnings surrounding EV Charging
Electric Vehicles
Smoke Drift & Nuisance Owners/Occupiers
Electric Vehicles in Strata
Embedded network services
Do you have a question? Do you need advice? Contact us at one of the contacts below