Let's see how we can help
- Obtain quotations for the renewal of insurance and forward to the Committee for instruction
- On instruction by the committee pay and renew the insurance (Note that if no instructions are received, our Gold Coast strata manager is authorised to renew the insurance with the existing insurer)
- Lodge routine insurance claims and monitor the progress of same (Note: where the body corporate has resolved not to use Strata Sphere as the Insurance Agent, the appointed broker is responsible for lodging all insurance claims. If Strata Sphere is required to get involved in insurance claims where they are not the appointed Agent, the additional fee for insurance claims will be applicable)
- Deal with all correspondence and communication regarding insurance queries between lot owners and the body corporate
- Lodgement of Workcover Insurance policies (if required)
Body Corporate Records
- Maintain the Roll and all Registers of the Body Corporate
- Keep all legal documents in accordance with the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997
- Make available the books and records for inspection when required

Decisions Of The Body Corporate
- Maintain the Roll and all Registers of the Body Corporate
- Keep all legal documents in accordance with the Body Corporate and Community
- Management Act 1997
Make available the books and records for inspection when required
Help And Assistance
- Generally assist and aid the body corporate to ensure their compliance with the Body Corporate and Community
- Management Act 1997
Be available to assist owners with queries and questions in regards to body corporate matters

Do you have a question? Do you need advice? Contact us at one of the contacts below