Let's see how we can help
Annual General Meeting
- Call nominations for all executive and ordinary Committee Members
- Prepare and post Notice of Annual General Meeting
- Attend Annual General Meeting (up to TWO (2) hours)
- Distribute Minutes of Annual General Meeting to all Lot Owners within 21 days
- Deal with all correspondence, voting papers, proxy forms and company nominee forms pertaining to the Annual General Meeting
Committee Meetings
- Prepare and post Notice of Committee Meetings – to a maximum of FOUR (4) meetings per year (up to THREE (3) hours per meeting)
- Distribute Minutes of each Committee Meeting to all Lot Owners within 21 days
- Deal with all correspondence and communications regarding Committee Meetings

- Our strata managers Deal with all correspondence to and from the Body Corporate of a general nature
Do you have a question? Do you need advice? Contact us at one of the contacts below